What is Feedback? How is it given? What Does It Do? - Grower

What is Feedback? How is it given? What Does It Do?

In business or in our daily lives, we are in constant development. No human being comes into the world knowing everything and progresses by doing everything right. We should always analyze the right and wrong things we do to improve ourselves and get support from other people. As Grower team, in this content, we will try to give suggestions for feedback and give information about how to give feedback better. If you are ready, here we go.

What is Feedback?

As a result of the evaluation made as a result of a job done, positive and negative opinions and comments by other people are called “feedback”, also known as feedback.

Receiving or giving feedback is among the important and necessary skills for the business world. If you are a good feedback receiver, you can constantly improve yourself, and if you are a good feedback giver, you will constantly move your environment forward.

Feedback, How to Give Feedback?

When giving feedback on a subject, it is of great importance to communicate correctly with the person and to give all our thoughts through a correct filter. The feedback we give on a subject should guide the work to be better and serve a specific purpose. We should use our thoughts to improve the process.

How to Give Positive Feedback?

When giving feedback, sometimes congratulating and saying things that were done right can also be very healing and improving.

When giving a positive statement, you can talk about what they did well and the positive results that will come as a result. For example, you can tell someone who paints very well that 1,000’s of people will be happy because of this painting and that the world will become a better place by smiling at 1,000’s of people with its effect.

How to Give Negative Feedback Critical Feedback?

If we don’t like a situation and want to make it better, we need to explain the negative situations. It is necessary to talk about what the mistakes are and what consequences they lead to. Sometimes it is not enough to say what is wrong when giving feedback. After stating the mistake, it is also necessary to express how improvements should be made next time. For example, by telling someone who puts too much salt in the food that if you put less salt next time, you will make a great meal, we not only express the mistake but also what the solution is.

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Characteristics of Good Feedback

Focus When determining your feedback, focus on concrete events, behaviors or situations. Be supportive by giving specific examples rather than abstract statements.

Be Positive and Constructive: Keep the tone of your feedback positive and constructive. Emphasize the person’s strengths and focus on opportunities for improvement.

Clarity and Directness: Communicate using clear and understandable language. Avoid complex wording or ambiguity. Be clear and direct, but express in a gentle manner.

Showing Empathy: Try to understand the other person’s feelings and point of view. You can convey your feedback from their perspective. Empathy can help the other person to better understand and accept the feedback.

Evaluate Specifically: Evaluate specific behaviors or actions rather than generalizations. Support your feedback with concrete examples to help the other person better understand what situation or action you are talking about.

Characteristics of a Bad Feedback

Be Personal Avoid focusing your feedback on personal characteristics or the person’s character. Instead, address behaviors or actions.

Drowning in Criticism: Instead of giving feedback that is full of criticism, focus on opportunities for improvement and emphasize the positives.

Generalizing: Avoid giving feedback by generalizing or making assumptions. General statements that are not supported by concrete examples are not helpful.

Ignoring Cultural Differences: Consider cultural differences and sensitivities. Everyone may react differently to feedback, so it is important to understand the other person’s perspective.

Being Abrupt and Emotional: Giving feedback with immediate emotional reactions can make communication difficult. Giving feedback in a calm and thoughtful way can be more effective.

In this content, we have tried to give you information about the processes of creating feedback and help you better understand the concept of feedback. We hope it has been useful and inspiring for you. If you want to be a good entrepreneur, a good digital marketer or a good developer, you need to be the best feedback giver and receiver. For marketing, we are with you as Grower. Don’t forget to use Grower when making marketing decisions and digital marketing! See you for now 🙂

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I try to write what I know and share content on Grower for companies that want to grow their business.

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