If we are doing marketing activities in the digital world and if we are thinking of accelerating digital marketing activities, we need to produce content regularly. If we can produce content regularly, we can reach users, our potential audience and tell them about our products and services. If we are a good content producer, we can achieve success in almost every sector and reach important metrics in the digital world. As Grower team, in this content, we will try to tell you how blog content should be and how content production should be done and show you with examples. If you are ready, here we go!
If we want to rank high in search engines like Google, if we are doing SEO work, there are many areas we need to pay attention to in blog content areas. You should care about each area and organize your content with this perspective.
- Keyword
- Finding a title
- In-site linking
- Content length
- Organization of subheadings
- SEO descriptions
- Use of visuals
- Supporting with video content
- Social media posts
- Comment field
- Updating old content
- Content intention
Correct Keyword Focus
The most important point is to correctly identify keywords and determine which keywords to produce content for. If you don’t know where you are going, it doesn’t matter where you are going. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the right keywords. As Grower, we help you find keywords every month. We regularly suggest keywords every month and tell you how you should produce content on these keywords.

Following your competitors’ keywords can also be of great importance in SEO blog content production. It can be an inspiration for you to see which keywords your competitors are advertising on and which keywords they are advertising on.
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Finding the Right Title
After finding your keyword, you should find the right titles for the keywords you want to produce content for. You should find content that appeals to the user, attracts him to the title and attracts his attention.
Grower’s keyword finding and content brief generation system helps you here. It helps you because it suggests 20 keywords every month and also helps you to title and describe what kind of content you should produce.

In-site Linking
When writing blog content, you should both strengthen other pages as SEO by making in-site links and direct the user to other useful content with in-site links. We see these in-site linking mostly on Wikipedia. While you are reading a content, content with other information is recommended to you and redirections are made.

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Content Length
Content length of course depends on what kind of content you want to write, but SEO metrics can also provide guidance on how long it should be. In highly competitive sectors, writing short and small content cannot bring us to the forefront. Therefore, we should write long and informative content. Our content should be both readable and long. If we can read long content, users will stay on the website longer and the SEO quality score of our site will increase. Since long content contains more subheadings, the number of keywords increases and we will be listed in more keywords.
Organization of Subheadings
Subheadings are content elements that attract keywords as important as the title. The more we produce content with accurate and high quality subheadings, the higher we rank in the word. We should shape our subheadings according to what the user wants. For example, if we are producing content on the keyword “acrylic paint”, keywords such as “what is acrylic paint” “where is acrylic paint used” “acrylic paint prices” are other keywords that the user is curious about, so producing content there increases our SEO performance.
SEO Descriptions
SEO descriptions are also among the areas that need attention in content production. You should organize SEO descriptions in a way that includes keywords, as well as in a way that attracts users to the content and explains what the content is.

Expression with Visuals and Use of Original Visuals
We should diversify our blog content with media elements. We should make it readable with visuals and if possible, we should provide a content layout that will make it much better by using original visuals. The infographics, statistics or images we will prepare while producing our blog content will increase our SEO score and help us rank higher on Google.
Supporting with Video Content
Adding video content not only enriches the content but also provides great benefits for SEO. Since the user who enters your content will also watch the video, the time on the site will increase and you can get ahead of your competitors as a user experience. Since the videos you will shoot on the subject will also appear in Google search results, you can provide extra traffic, and you can also grow your YouTube channel and take part in YouTube, the 2nd largest search engine.
Sharing on Social Media
You should share the content you publish on social media and, if possible, drive traffic to the content with small ads. You can promote your content by sharing on platforms such as LinkedIn, X. This will create positive signals for SEO as it will help to get traffic and signals from social media.
Comment Area
As people comment, your value increases in the eyes of search engines like Google. You should actively use comment fields. You should receive comments from people in the comment field and respond to incoming comments. For this, you can invite people to comment in your content. By gaining interaction as you comment, you gain a valuable advantage for SEO.
Update Old Content
Updating and adding to old content is also an important SEO activity. The additions you make to old content provide an advantage for SEO as it indicates to Google that the content is active and regularly updated. Google loves updated content. Therefore, by regularly updating old content, you can strengthen your useful content.
Organize Your Content According to Content Intent
Content intent is very important in search engines like Google. What people are looking for and what they want to see is of great interest to you as a content creator. For example, a person looking for prices wants to see a price list when they search for “painting and whitewashing prices”, while a person looking for “red dress” wants to see a page with many red dresses and a place where products are listed. When producing blog content, you should think about what users searching for keywords want and organize your content accordingly.
How to Become a Content Writer?
Content writing is the profession of people who produce content according to SEO-oriented criteria and who regularly produce content for companies.
People who are content writers produce page content and blog content for companies and strengthen their websites in terms of both SEO and user experience. Content writers are employed per content they write or for a monthly fee. In this profession, which sometimes varies per word and sometimes per content, in addition to content production, adding content to the website and visual arrangements may also be requested. It is of great importance for those who want to be content writers to learn SEO and produce SEO-oriented content.
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In this content, we tried to give you suggestions about blog content production, explain every moment step by step and help you gain competencies that will help you in SEO processes. We hope our content has been inspiring for you. If you want to speed up your blog content production and intend to produce content in the digital world, you can meet Grower right now and produce quality content for our SEO. We are waiting for you!